Photo 9 for Falmouth Gypsy Mk2 24ft Sailing Boat

Falmouth Gypsy Mk2 24ft Sailing Boat

Current Price:
United Kingdom, Diss
Ships to:
United Kingdom, United States


Good afternoon Mr. Jordan, I am interested in the Falmouth Gypsy Mk2 that you have for sale and I would beg you to send me the following information .. General condition of the rudder Cover. General condition of the roof, if it is flexed in some parts due to possible rotting of the balsa wood and if it has water entrance by the stanchions or windows. Interior.General state of the electrical system, bottom taps, keel and vinyl bolts of the roofs and if although the interior engine does not work, it is on the boat .. I am Spanish and in the case of reaching an agreement with you, you would have to bring me the boat sailing to the south of Spain with what I would ask you to tell me in a rough way what you would have to do or what did you think the boat to face the crossing without problems. Thanks in advance for everything and sorry for the translation as it is made by the tradudtor of Goocle. Simón Gómez.
Buenas tardes, estoy interesado en el Falmouth 24 que usted tiene en venta y quisiera si ha usted no le importa me contestase a ientes dudas que tengo. las cuales lha continuación le descrivo. Interior: Estado de los grifos de fondo, vinilo en techo, bateria,y pernos del lastre en sentina, sistema electrico y saber si el motor dispone de altenador y arranque electrico. Cubiertar: Posible entradas de agua por obenques candeleros y ventanas, más posibles zonas del tyecho blandas por problemas de podredumbre de la madera de balsa, estado y tipo de velas de la embarcación y estado del timón. Tambien le desearia que me realazase un pequeño informe con lo que usted crea que se le deverís de hacer al barco para ponerlo a punto para reaslizar una travesia hasta el sur de España ya que soy de ayí. Le ruego disculpe la traducción ya que su lengua no la domino y el mensaje lo tiene traducido por el traductos del Google. Gracias por el tiempo que le pueda robar y un abrazo Simón Gómez Good afternoon, I am interested in the Falmouth 24 that you have for sale and I would like if you have not cared, I answered some questions I have. which lha continuation I describe. Interior: State of the bottom taps, vinyl roof, battery, and bolts of ballast in bilge, electrical system and know if the engine has altenador and electric start. Cover: Possible water entries for candlesticks and windows, more possible areas of the soft tyecho due to rotting problems of the balsa wood, condition and type of sails of the boat and state of the rudder. I would also like you to realazase me a little report with what you think that you will deveris to do to the boat to get it ready to re-launch a trip to the south of Spain since I am from Ayi. I apologize for the translation because your language does not dominate it and the message has been translated by the Google translators. Thanks for the time I can steal and a hug Simón Gómez
Is she sea worthy..

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