Length (Feet): 4.25m
Boat Type: Dory
This is a good strong boat that would be very safe and stable for kids, fishing etc, which is how I've used it over the last few years. It's remarkably stable when e.g. People move about, and in choppy water etc. I don't know its maker, but I'd guess it's either a CJR or a Wilson. I don't know how old it is - it's certainly seen a bit of life and has a few scars to prove it - but I've done quite a lot of work on it, and I think it's in pretty good condition.
I bought this boat with the intention of replacing the transom, floors etc which I did, using proper marine ply throughout. I chose to do this because I looked at a lot of boats at the time, and was often a bit dubious about the condition of their wooden parts, especially the transom, so better to start from scratch so one knows it's all OK. It comes with a helmsman's seat and a really good folding sunshade top - made in proper canvas, not lightweight plastic. I used it with an 8hp outboard, which pushes it along at fast displacement speeds. I fitted stainless steel reinforcing corner pieces to the transom in case I ever wanted to put on a bigger motor - it's a semi-planing hull.
There is no motor included. This is a very roomy boat - 14 ft (4.25m) long, with a beam of 6ft (1.82m). There's a lot of storage space for gear etc under the foredeck. All the floorboards and foredeck have been painted in non-slip paint. Because the boat used to spend a month or two in the water each summer, I've always kept the bottom ant--fouled.
I'd include a few unopened tins of anti-foul. It doesn't leak. I've also recently painted the rest of the boat - ok, done with a brush, but it does look pretty smart. The trailer had all new suspension units, hubs wheels and tyres, hitch and winch. I change the bearings every year.
There is also a home made cover and hoops which do keep the boat dry. You're very welcome to come and have a look, of course.
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