Length (Feet): 21
Boat Type: Cabin Cruiser
Engine Manufacturer: Volvo
Relisted because the winner of the previous auction cancelled his order because he had not/could not sell his previous boat. The Listing: Helm Equipment & Instruments (In addition to the original Fairline equipment)High end VHF radioFishfinderSolar Charge Controller and solar panel - keeps the domestic battery topped up when the fridge is turned on for daylight hours.Digital engine bay temperatureDigital hot water tank temperatureDigital domestic battery voltage Engine room outboard motor stowage mount Four 'away days' fenders stored below (aside from the rough half dozen attached to the pontoon)BiminiBoat hookMooring linesHose for filling water tank.Long marina power extension cable (No 230v hard wired on board).Two vinyl seats, currently removed from the boat - one bolt each to refit. Galley equipmentThetford Twinflow twin gas hob and grill - new in 2017Fridge - 12v Domestic hot water cylinder with separately thermostatically controlled outlets to galley sink and stern shower attachment. Hot water by immersion heater on 13 amp trailing lead, and by engine cooling circuit connections (not so far connected, after plumbing refurb in 2017). Pictures show summer tonneau cover.
Also included is six piece full all weather cover in same colour/material with hoops and windows (some stitching needs replacing). There is a steering issue that needs attention in the long term - reflected in the low reserve price of £5k compared to other similar boats for sale at the moment. I estimate the cost of replacement to be around £1000, after which you will have a £8000+ boat. I just don't have the time to do it, having bought a bigger boat. Aside from the normal low speed steering wander that this type of hull and stern drive and aged linkages has (please do a search on the boat forums for independent confirmation) this boat has a worn bush through the hull, through which the steering passes.
This allows a dribble of water in to the bilges when four or more people (you really can entertain that many around the table that comes with it - by the way, the table converts in to the second double bed or sun lounger) are in the stern. The bilge pump copes easily, running intermittently. With fewer people on board, and of course when the boat is unattended, the bush is above the water level. Advertised on Apollo Duck too.
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