Hi and welcome to the sale of my 9ft spitfire Speedboat , fitted with a 9.9hp Mariner 2 stroke serviced last year and in original condition with very little use , also has a spare prop as I bought a new Solas prop and boat does well in excess of 20mph , its honestly quite scary at full throttle and I have had it panning at 20mph + with 2 adults on board ( approx. 25 stone ). All the outfit is believed to be late 1980s but haven't checked so cant confirm. Boat is also in original Gelcoat with no repairs and again is in very good condition and comes with a cover as shown in the photo. The trailer is a purpose built one I believe by Austin Rover engineers where I believe the boat was owned by one of the directors, new wheel bearings last year and no need to put trailer in water as it has launch wheels fitted by me which works very effectively.
The boat is in North Wales ( LL54 ) until 10th July when I will bring it back to Birmingham ( B43 ). Please note Cash Only on collection and please call me on phone for anything else you want to know. Not desperate to sell so no silly offers as engine alone has top be worth £800 with the condition its in , this is not the usual abused rubbish and the whole outfit is in excellent condition. Also no overseas buyers or couriers or collection service , Cash Only On Collection. These are getting rare now and to find one in this condition is incredibly difficult , have a look at them on YouTube - great fun!
Regards Craig
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