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Hi I am potentially interested - just have some questions: This boat is a ketch build originally isn't it? Does this mean the Bermuda mast you have now is much higher than planned for in the original design? Is there potential in making it a ketch? Also in terms of refitting - I do not have experience in this, but is there a general estimate on how the costs and length of time this work would take as a ball part estimate? Is there plumbing working on the boat? are the electrics in place? What is the status of the engine? Does it need replacing? I like the idea of two heads and also to have a room at the back - could you remove the beds there as well and have something else set up such as a working desk. Are the sails included and how old are they? Also what do you pay to keep it on the dry in Gosport? I would be potentially interested to see it but for now its inquiry before I can get a grip on this project. I am not experiences with regards to refits and rewiring, which means I do need some guidance on all this - what would be the duration of this project if it was started sincerely? How long did you expect to work in order to finish it? Also is there any rot or has an inventory beed made on the hull. Its says its origin is China - does this mean Taiwan? The boat yard there? Or was it assembled in Chine - there is very little information on the boat as well...if you have some to share I would be interested to take a look. Many thanks.