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Hallo. First, to answer your questions : I am a fit 75 year old ex-"businessman" and lifelong sailor. I have just over £50k in the bank, and as soon as restrictions have been lifted I shall begin to sell my home in france which will bring me another £100k. I shall then return to live in Norfolk, and want an inexpensive waterside residential address from which to buy a house, a yacht, and a car. Now mine : It seems that the houseboat is yours but not the mooring ? Are they both reasonably secure against burglary, and are there any "alternative lifestyle" types living nearby ? It seems to lie at someone's garden, so is there vehicle access close by ? What are the terms and costs of the mooring ? Roughly whereabouts is it (ie Bure, Yare, Ant, Thurne, Waveney etc., and on navigable Broads water) ? A nearby village name would help. Is there a phone/internet connection ? You mention 12v but not mains voltage, would I need to run a noisy smelly and expensive generator ? How else would I recharge the punt and trike ? Is the mooring long enough to accommodate a 28ft sailing boat, are there trees to impede the mast, and is the water at least 6ft deep or could I dredge it ? If a sale looks feasible I will come over as soon as possible to see and hopefully to buy ; cash, of course. Best regards, Rob.