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Now I´m 70 years old! - Living in Northern Germany near Eckernförde /Baltic sea! - This was my second boat! - I had a lot of fun with it! - I´d like to have one again! - bu there´s no money but a lot of other things to exchange! - What about a (police-) BMW K 75??!! - or a Honda 350 four?? - or a little "Star Cat"?? - or.....a HONDA CRX del sol?? - I´m am an ill man with 70 years! - I got a bit cancer added! - If You are interested so couple on the Boat and come to my house in northern Germany and go back as a lucky man with an other good Thing you like! - I live in 24369 Waabs/Eckernförde/ Baltic sea! - Please excuse my bad English! - I haven´t spoken for many years! Regards Winfried Gloger