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Hi there, I grew up with Impala when she was in Scotland, and owned by the infamous John Duffy. He used to moor her outside our house and cruise the Western Isle's in company with us, if only she could speak of the stories under his ownership. Although I personally would love her, I have a big boat project on-gling right now, brother has been talking about buying a boat for some time, he might be able to be convinced as he was a huge impala fan back in the day. He's away at sea right now but I will forward him the details. A couple of questions, Is the price negotiable? Is she really not in too bad nick as the bio reads? Any hull issues. The last time I spoke to John before he died some years ago there were some problems. Electrics and engines not a problem as both my brother and I are marine engineers. Any more detailed photos you might have in a drop box, especially of the nasty bits under the floor would be appreciated. Best regards Steve Smith